Mazda Miata – K24 Swap

Drop In

DW200 Miata Fuel Pump Replacement

Guide to Miata fuel pump replacement, showing replacing the stock fuel pump with a DeatschWerks DW200, also applies to Walbro 190 or 255


K24 Miata Hood Clearance

Guide to options for achieving K24 Miata hood clearance with an NA Miata, including hood trimming, slashcut valve cover, and subframe spacers

Rewiring Miata 6-Speed for NA

Rewiring the Miata 6-speed for an NA Miata, showing how to swap speedometer sending units and rewire the reverse light to function correctly

Finished Car

K24 Miata Swap

Complete guide to a K24 Miata Swap, including step-by-step pictures swapping a k24a2 into a 1997 Miata using the KPower swap kit