Delta 34-868 Splitter Review
Review of the Delta 34-868 splitter, including the screws needed to mount it to a Delta 36-650 contractor table saw

Easy Fix for Cheap Dowel Rod
An easy fix for cheap dowel rod, using a drill and sandpaper to trim down oversized store-bought rod to fit in dowel joints without making complicated jigs

Making an Inlay Snowflake Christmas Ornament
Step-by-step guide to making an inlay snowflake Christmas ornament, including technique for routing and fitting inlay pieces

Refinishing Furniture with New Stain
This cheap dresser came from Craigslist years ago for $20. At the time, it was sufficient to stick clothes in while I was renting. Now that we have a toddler, it has turned into the perfect size dresser for her room. However, as you can see, it doesn’t really match the other furniture. Fortunately, this […]

Rikon 10-324 Bandsaw Review
A review of a Rikon 10-324 Bandsaw, discussing the pros and cons of this saw versus both budget competiton and similar saws from Grizzly

Making a Two Color Bandsaw Reindeer
A take on Ronald Walters’ / Woodgears’ 3D reindeer pattern for the bandsaw, except mixing woods to get different colored antlers

Making a Cutting Board with a Twist
Making a cutting board out of exotic hardwoods laid long grain, adding a contrasting curved inlay

Making a Side Table Out of Old Furniture
Making a side table out of scrap wood, making a glued panel for the table top, and recycling the legs from an old coffee table

Making a Carpenter Bee Trap
Making a carpenter bee trap out of 4×4 and a mason jar, using a miter saw and drill press, for the woodworker with a bee problem

Thread Spool Holder
Making an inexpensive two-layer 70-count thread spool holder out of a wooden box, a couple of pieces of plywood, and some dowels

Heirloom DIY Crib: Part 3
Creating an heirloom-quality DIY crib out of hardwood (ash) using mortise and tenon joinery, threaded inserts, dowels, and other techniques.
Part 3: Mattress support, staining, and finishing

Heirloom DIY Crib: Part 2
Creating an heirloom-quality DIY crib out of hardwood (ash) using mortise and tenon joinery, threaded inserts, dowels, and other techniques.
Part 2: Finishing the panels and connecting them together.

Heirloom DIY Crib: Part 1
Creating an heirloom-quality DIY crib out of hardwood (ash) using mortise and tenon joinery, threaded inserts, dowels, and other techniques.
Part 1: Milling and rough cutting.

Making a Laminated Wooden Mallet
Making a laminated wooden mallet AKA jointer’s mallet out of multiple pieces of scrap wood without requiring any chisel work

Homemade Band Saw Blade Guides, Insert, and Tires
How to make DIY homemade band saw blade guides, insert, and tires to freshen up an old bandsaw on the cheap

Template Bushing Subbase
How to make a Lexan template bushing subbase for the Bosch 1617 plunge router, can be applied to any router

Building a Cedar Bird Feeder
Guide to building a cedar bird feeder that is shaped like a house, step-by-step

Building a DIY Dust Separator (Thien Cyclone)
How to build a Thien cyclone / DIY dust separator on the cheap

Delta 36-650 Table Saw Review
A review of a Delta 36-650 table saw and some tips on upgrades to make it more effective.

Building a Bluebird Birdhouse with Rabbets, Dadoes, Dovetails
A birdhouse built using rabbets, dadoes, and sliding dovetails. This is a simple bluebird birdhouse.

Adding a Table Saw Router Table Extension
An overview and explanation of building a table saw router table extension and re-using your table saw fence.